
Image: https://bit.ly/3wFMc2h   This common vision condition, also known as farsightedness, occurs when light rays entering the eye focus behind the retina, not directly on it. A common condition in…
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Myopia is a refractive error more commonly called nearsightedness. A refractive error is when the eye does not bend or refract the light at the proper angle. It is hard…
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The Smart Cane

Have you ever noticed a person walking around with a stick out in front of them moving it from left to right and making a tap, tap, tap sound? That…
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Optical Illusions

  Optical illusions are images or pictures that are perceived differently than they are. Optical illusions occur when our eyes send information to the brain that tricks us into perceiving…
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  July 12th is National Different Colored Eye Day. In ancient Greek heteros meaning different and chroma meaning color so Heterochromia is a different color. Heterochromia is a difference in…
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Eye Yoga is it a Thing

Paul McCartney swears by it. During an episode of the podcast Table Manners, the former Beatle revealed that his eyesight is still totally sharp and said he regularly practices eye…
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National Sunglasses Day

  Today is National Sunglasses Day Top 5 things to know about UV protection (most people don’t know). Not all sunglasses have UV protection. UV protection has nothing to do…
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Kaleidoscope Vision

  Kaleidoscope vision is a short distortion of vision that causes things to look as if you are peering through a kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope vision is not a standalone condition, but…
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