eyegotcha Trivia Tuesday 9/15/2020

eyegotcha Trivia Tuesday 9/15/2020   Birds and reptiles cry tears much like humans Our eyes close automatically to protect us from perceived dangers. The four-eyed fish can see both above and…
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Mask-Associated Dry Eye

On August 31st the Center for Ocular Research & Education (CORE), issued an alert to advise practitioners on how to recognize mask-associated dry eye (MADE). Wearing a face mask is…
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Back to School Eye Exam

In these extraordinary times we don’t know if our children will return to traditional brick and mortar schools, online classes or a combination of both. Regardless of that, we do…
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Are you joking?

What do you call a blind Optometrist?   Why did the Optometrist set the clock to military time?   My Optometrist likes to make eye puns…   What should you…
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What is Retinoschisis?

Retinoschisis is a condition in which an area of the retina has separated into two layers. The retina is the tissue inside the back of the eye that changes what…
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Fuchs Dystrophy

Fuchs dystrophy is a genetic disease of the cornea. It is when cells in the corneal layer called the endothelium gradually die off. The endothelium keeps the cornea clear for…
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eyegotcha Trivia Tuesday 7-7-20

Giraffe’s eyes are the size of golf balls. Did you know adequate rest can assist in eyesight improvement, since sleep allows overworked eye muscles to relax completely. Your eyes focus…
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Fireworks Safety 2020

With many communities cancelling July 4th events this year more people will be having fireworks for their private celebrations. In the City of Pittsburgh calls to Police to report people…
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