FSA Use It or Lose It

    A Flexible Spending Account is a special account you put money into that you use to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs. For many by this time…
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Vaping harmful to the eyes

As it has been reported often in the news lately vaping has become deadly. What has not been reported is that vaping can impact long-term eye health. All vapors pose…
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Eye + idioms = eyedioms   For one to be all eyes is to watch closely. To catch someone’s eye is to attract someone’s attention. To turn a blind eye…
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Halloween Safety Part 2

In past Halloween blogs I have written about safety in regards to how scary illegal contact lenses can be https://bit.ly/2pieKRq and how eye. Injuries happen due to costume malfunctions https://bit.ly/2MUGKns.…
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Eye Stroke

An eye stroke or retinal infarction, occurs when blood flow is blocked in the arteries of the retina. Much like a cerebral stroke where blood to the brain is reduced…
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Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca is a chronic condition in which a person doesn’t have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears are necessary…
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Spooky Tuesday Trivia 10/8/2019

The first documented use of the phrase “trick or treat” by children on Halloween was in Canada. Trick-or-treating as we know it today start gaining popularity in America in the…
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Menopause and Eye Health

Hormonal fluctuation affects how your eyes function, eye shape may change slightly, estrogen can make the cornea less stiff and with more elasticity and can affect how light travels through…
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